Have you at any point in your life thought that being lonely kind of sucks? Please consider joining my online workshop to come up with ideas on how to make people feel more connected to others!

I am currently working on my Bachelor’s thesis for Digital Design at Kristianstad University, with a focus on Tangible User Interfaces (simply put: devices you control through things that aren’t screens). While screens are useful for clear communication they can feel impersonal and don’t necessarily give you the impression that you are close to someone. This workshop is meant to figure out ideas to increase a sense of closeness between people who are not in the same space through something that isn’t screens.

The workshop will be comprised of two parts: a small interview and idea brainstorming. You don’t need any particular experience to take part.

What you do need:

The results of the workshop may be shared in my thesis, but you will be anonymous unless you explicitly tell me that you would like to be credited by name. I will ask you if I may record the call with video or only audio, but you are free to decline to both. You are also free to withdraw from participating at any stage in the process, for any reason.

If you’re interested in taking part please send me the date(s) and time(s) you would be available to [email protected]. Please include your time zone! You may also send me any questions you have about the workshop or data handling.

I hope to hear from you soon!
